Today year 7’s and 8 ‘s start tech to Tamaki College . The year 8’s were in the food tech. In food technology we were learning how to make a cake. The teacher that teach us is Mrs Heka. We first get into group it can be two, three or four. The people in my group is Zahra, Nazella and Oh Hsen. We all had a job to make a cake. We first start baking our bread and then when that is done we put the bread into the cupcake pans. Then we have spaghetti, cheese and pineapple and mix them all together. Then put all the mixes into the bread that in the pans then bake it and after that you can eat it. Everyone were having fun baking cake and enjoy eating.
The best part about food tech is being able to eat your results. Well done for your first session, I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next week.