
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Koala Report

Koala Report

L.I. Write a report from the collective brainstorm with paragraphing

Since Koalas are interesting animals, here are some facts about Koalas. Koalas have an unique appearance, although they look like tiny bears. The diet of koalas is mainly one thing, eucalyptus leaves. Koalas are native to Australia, and there are many interesting facts about Koalas.

Koalas have thick grey and white fur, they have a fluffy body, face and ears .  Koalas have a huge nose and small eyes. Their head is large and there brains are tiny.

Koalas eat 500 g of  leaves a day.
When they are babies Koalas eat their mothers poop  because it helps them  digest leaves. They also drink their mother's milk when they  are babies.  Adults like eating fruit and eucalyptus leaves.


Koalas live in the  South Australian bush forest. They live up in the trees.  Some koala live in the zoo.

Interesting facts

Koalas can live up to 20 years.  Koalas don’t drink much water, they can sleep for 20 hours a day. Baby koalas live in  a pouch for six months after they are born,  a baby koalas is  called a Joey.

1 comment:

  1. HI Sakae
    This is look like you are know about Koalas. It good to see you are writing a lots. Great work Sakae
    Form MUM.
